Tennis camp - 3 days

1.1. - 31.12.2024

Attend an intensive tennis camp at the best tennis club in the Czech Republic, supervised by our great coaches.

Camp for 3 days: 

  • 3.5 hours of tennis per day (morning with a coach, afternoon sparring under the supervision of a coach) - 10.5 hours of tennis in total
  • 4 hours of fitness or recovery (jacuzzi, sauna, massage)

The program is always designed according to the needs of the client to make the camp as effective as possible. Therefore, if rest is needed, the tennis hour will be replaced by either a fitness hour or regeneration, but always by agreement.

The price of the camp is 13 000 CZK

If you are interested in accommodation, please tick yes on the application form, the club will inform you of the options. 

Online application form here.

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Agel Moravia Steel Hlavní město Praha Přerost a Švorc Český tenisový svaz Victoria VSC Národní sportovní agentura Grant Thornton Head Pražský tenisový svaz Tennis Sparta Agency Chrenek, Toman, Kotrba Praha 7 Quantcom SMT Academy Česká televize