Summer tennis camps


March 13, 2025

During the summer holidays, we prepare week-long summer camps for children, where they can spend a whole day in a sports environment in the immediate vicinity of Stromovka Park. A varied programme, not only in tennis, is provided by experienced coaches and parents can have peace of mind that their children are well looked after. The camps are designed for complete beginners as well as for children already playing, from the age of 4 to a maximum of 12 years. Children are divided into groups according to age and tennis level. The camp also runs in case of bad weather, when we have an alternative program.

Day's activities:
9.00 - children's arrival
Morning program: warm-up, tennis practice, snack, games, etc..
Afternoon programme: tennis training, movement training, compensatory exercises, games, snack
15.30-16.00 - picking up children 
In addition to tennis activities, we organize a trip to Stromovka with outdoor games and we try to enrich the camp with a visit to the Planetarium Prague or Zoo Prague. At the end of the camp there is a tennis tournament, followed by a prize giving ceremony. The tournament is not attended by complete beginners who have regular training sessions.

Camp price:
Basic price: 7 200 CZK
Price for members of TK Sparta Praha.
Registration form for the camp can be found here. 

If you are interested in the camp, please contact the head coach Ing. Leona Lásková.
Tel.: 724 074 000

Registration form for camps

Dates of summer camps 2025:
1) 28. 7. - 1. 8. 2025

2) 4. - 8. 8. 2025

3) 11. - 15. 8. 2025

4) 25. - 29. 8. 2025

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Agel Moravia Steel Hlavní město Praha Přerost a Švorc Český tenisový svaz Victoria VSC Národní sportovní agentura Grant Thornton Head Pražský tenisový svaz Tennis Sparta Agency Chrenek, Toman, Kotrba Praha 7 Quantcom SMT Academy POHL cz Česká televize